Sunday, December 27, 2009

Spiritual Awakening

Back in the 90s I was convinced that the next revolution would be a spiritual one. We were going through the technological revolution and I was sure that mankind would search for his spiritual side once more.

Well, the years have passed, and from my observations, it would appear that something is changing amongst people. It would appear that many people are now searching for more, and this is not completely surprising. As the decades have passed, wealth and material items have become more easily attainable by those in more affluent countries. People have accumulated vast material collections of electronic items, and various other forms of entertainment. My feeling is that people now are realising that these material items are not bringing the fulfilment that they have been so desperately seeking.

I started studying the Kabbalah a short while ago, and a point was made which I think explains some of what we are seeing. The Kabbalists call it “The Point in the Heart”. Simply put, once man starts fulfilling more and more of his materialistic desires, he soon realises that they do bring him ultimate joy and pleasure. This is when “The point in the heart” appears. This is the desire to get closer to the Creator and spiritual self.

Through my research, I have seen this desire growing in people. There are now discussion and books on the ascension to the “5th dimension”. Other articles out there focus on topics of eastern philosophy. People are now abandoning traditional forms of spirituality and seeking the alternatives. They are looking for ways of feeling closer to God and to find fulfilment.
I believe that there are many paths to take, and that each person must follow the one that feels right to them. The important thing is that we all do something to reach a higher level of spirituality. The fact that you are reading this article, most probably means that you are a seeker. All myself and others can do is share some of the knowledge we have, as we all continue on this fantastic journey.

Joy and Love to all.

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